Riding East to West

We’ve now logged 2,000 miles across 8 states over the course of 28 riding days in May and June all going from east to west.

Pros of going east to west

1. We gain an extra hour every time we change time zones–that’s always nice, an extra hour to beat the sun or rest.

2. The sun rises behind us, meaning if we finish before the heat of the day we never have the sun bearing down on us or facing us.  We usually don’t have to apply sunscreen for a couple hours into our ride.

3. We got the harder humid weather over with at the beginning as we move to the dry heat of the desert.

4. Except for getting caught in a couple of days of windstorms in New Mexico and Arizona, which are finally passing, we haven’t felt like we’re riding against or into the wind. Sometimes there’s a headwind, sometimes not, usually the winds change.

5. We didn’t have to figure out how to get our bikes across the country before the start of the trip (we might have to going back!).





One thought on “Riding East to West

  1. Interesting. Ii said it on Instagram, but again i’m impressed enough to say that i like the sunrise photos.


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